中国的养老院模式有以下几种: There are several models of nursing homes in China: 一、日托老人院 1、 Day care nursing ho...
老年公寓在设计中要把握几个尺度: Therefore, in the design of apartments for the elderly, we should grasp several sc...
开办养老院大概需要具备以下几个条件: The following conditions are required to set up a nursing home: 第一,养老院内部拥有固定的服务...
那么老年人在秋冬容易复发的疾病有哪些?我们又应怎样应对? So what are the diseases that elderly people are prone to relapse in a...
老年公寓,作为养老产业里非常重要的一种养老形式,受到越来越多的重视和关注,时刻把老人及工作人员生命安全和身体健康放到首位,扎实细致地落实好每项工作。 As a very important form...
养老院 1. Nursing home 这些服务机构是专门为能够自理、安享晚年的老年人设立的。为老年人提供生活、娱乐、健身、医疗、保健等服务。 These service institution...
帮您了解老人吃药的注意事项以及如何护理半自理老人正确服药。 Help you understand the precautions for elderly people taking medicat...